
A standalone lab based upright analytical microscope system

An inverted direct microscope system that is tester dockable

An inverted system that is both analytical and tester dockable

A full analytical direct tester-docked wafer prober system
- Ultra-stable system compatible for probing FIB pads
- Compatible with third-party probe stations, probe cards and manipulators
- High resolution stage with 0.5 μm repeatability
- Option to use with Aplanatic Refractive Solid Immersion Lens (ARSIL)
- CAD interface option
- Compatible with thermal management solutions
- Microscope Techniques include a combination of :
- Laser Timing Probe (LTP)
- Scanning Optical Microscopy (SOM) with best sensitivity
- static : TIVA, OBIRCH
- dynamic : LADA, SDL
- Photon Emission Microscopy (PEM) with various options for the InGaAs or Si-CCD camera
- Thermal Microscopy (THM) with InSb camera
For backside analysis of wafers, wafer parts and packaged devices. Able to dock with all ATE platforms
- Easily moved from Tester to Tester
- Custom docking for all ATE platforms
- High resolution stage with 0.5 μm repeatability
- Option to use with an Aplanatic Refractive Solid Immersion Lens (ARSIL)
- CAD interface option
- Compatible with thermal management solutions
- Microscope Techniques include a combination of :
- Laser Timing Probe (LTP)
- Scanning Optical Microscopy (SOM) with best sensitivity
- static : TIVA, OBIRCH
- dynamic : LADA, SDL
- Photon Emission Microscopy (PEM) with various options for
- the InGaAs or Si-CCD camera
- Thermal Microscopy (THM) with InSb camera
Analytical or ATE docked configuration
- 300 mm wafer stage including auto-lock compatible with
- Production Probe Cards and manipulators
- Docks easily to Tester or Probe Station High resolution stage with 0.5 μm repeatability
- Option to use with an Aplanatic Refractive Solid Immersion Lens (ARSIL)
- CAD interface option
- Compatible with thermal management solutions
- Microscope Techniques include a combination of :
- Laser Timing Probe (LTP)
- Scanning Optical Microscopy (SOM) with best sensitivity
- static : TIVA, OBIRCH
- dynamic : LADA, SDL
- Photon Emission Microscopy (PEM) with various options for
- the InGaAs or Si-CCD camera
- Thermal Microscopy (THM) with InSb camera
Wafer analysis using a combination of Laser Timing Probe (LTP), Scanning Optical Microscope (SOM) and Photon Emission Microscope (PEM)
- Eliminate the need for sorting, dicing and repackaging of the wafer
- Able to analyze at full tester speeds of up to 8 GHz
- Land more than 5000 pins using a standard production probe card
- ARSIL option: compatible with full thickness, unthinned wafer

Laser Timing Probe (LTP)
An instrument which allows the waveform at a selected point inside a semiconductor device or IC to be measured without a physical probe, by using a laser.

Photon Emission Microscopy (PEM)
A highly sensitive passive fault localization system for the localization of integrated circuit defects using panchromatic imaging and spectroscopy.

Scanning Optical Microscopy (SOM)
A multi-laser scanning optical microscope system for the active localization of integrated circuit defects by using static power alteration and dynamic tester-based techniques.
The SEMICAPS Laser Timing Probe (LTP) uses a laser to contactlessly probe for waveforms in the internal gates of an integrated circuit (IC). The design-debug technique enables the engineer to locate points within the die where the waveforms begin to become defective. The equipment can also measure waveform timings and delays to ensure that these are within the IC design specifications.
The SEMICAPS Laser Timing Probe (LTP) uses a laser to contactlessly probe for waveforms in the internal gates of an integrated circuit (IC). The design-debug technique enables the engineer to locate points within the die where the waveforms begin to become defective. The equipment can also measure waveform timings and delays to ensure that these are within the IC design specifications.
Main applications for the Photon Emission Microscope is to locate failures like leaky junctions, contact spiking (due to ESD), latch-up, oxide breakdown, and other current leakage phenomena that produce light emissions.
- Uses a highly automated hardware and software system which can be switched to a manual mode when desired
- Stage movement is fully controlled from the computer console via the X, Y and Z buttons on the user interface screen or by joystick control
- Detectors and optics are automatically moved into and out of position from the optical path depending on the imaging mode (Live or Capture) chosen
- On selecting Backside Imaging, the NIR filter is automatically positioned into the optical path
- a user-friendly Windows-based system which supports functions like real-time frontside and backside imaging, image acquisition and overlay, and other processes to simplify FA operations
- Allows live stage navigation using a user-interface window with its dual camera system
- DUT can be continuously monitored and inspected without opening the light-tight enclosure
- Coordinate registration system enables users to interface with almost any third party CAD software (eg, Knights)
- Par center and par focus are software corrected so that the image center and focus do not change with different objectives
- Extensive tools like image processing, annotation and customized data reports are available in the software
- An automated removable NIR filter, optimized optics and light source, SEMICAPS PEM series offer both frontside and backside imaging as standard features in one integrated system
The instrument is an integrated compucentric system designed for maximum ease of use and flexibility. It is optimized for high laser power delivery, sensitivity and spatial resolution.
- Lasers options – 1340 nm / 1320 nm / 1064 nm with laser scan array size up to 2k x 2k
- Multiple techniques available
- static: TIVA, OBIRCH
- dynamic: LADA, SDL
- High power delivery 30 mW at DUT for all objectives including 100x
- Lock-in and Laser Pulsing technique : 10x improvement in sensitivity
- Pixel by pixel flexible scanning mode with user defined multiple – AOI
- Modular platform, field-upgradeable to LTP
- Flexible and customizable
- Centric and Aplanatic Refractive Solid Immersion lens (RSIL) options
- Option to mount PEM cameras (InGaAs, TE-cooled, LN2)

On Device Logic Analysis (ODLA)
Used in conjunction with the IC Design software, ODLA is an option that allows the user of the SEMICAPS LTP microscope to quickly identify and locate scan-chain failure of a logic device (e.g. a microprocessor) in a semi-automated manner.
- locates breaks in a scan-chain
- identifies where errors in a logic path starts to occur
- provides a semi-automated method to trace a logic pattern in a complex processor device
- Finds scan-chains failure in minutes.
- Quickly check correctness of logic chains.
- bit patterns in probed locations are stored for easy reference

Thermal Microscopy (THM)
Thermographic capturing system can pinpoint MWIR emissions within a semiconductor device. It can locates thermal hotspots arising from a variety of defects. It can be integrated into any of the SEMICAPS housing configuration and installed together with the Laser Scanning Microscope (SOM) and a CCD navigation camera on the same platform.
The THM may be used to locate a range of defects in a semiconductor device; like short circuits, oxide breakdowns, device latch-ups and leakage currents.
Lock-in Thermography improves localization by minimizing hotspot dilation. It can also use phase delay information to locate hotspot in a stacked IC.
It could also be used to perform temperature mapping.
- Analytical or tester-docked, upright or inverted configurations
- High resolution stirling-cooled MCT detector
- 3 postions angled objective turret
- Navigation CCD for high resolution background overlay
- Automated detector parcentering
- Room temperature imaging
- Incorporate into combine microscope
- Par-focus
- Large format for better FOV
- LN2 option available
- Hi-resolution option available
- Large format option available
- Lock-in thermography option
- Montage option

A cooling system for dynamic laser technique & laser waveform probing.
AuriCool is used for the thermal management of devices which generates more than 25 Watts of heat during analysis. It can limit the temperature of such devices to a manageable level.
- Gold plated device to enhance thermal contact and conductivity
- Removes heat from active DUT during analysis
- Capable of handling up to 200 W of heat flux
- Compatible with SIL and air gap lenses with optical axis hole
- Does not require the silicon substrate to have high planarity
- Accommodates die-side components with flexible pins
- Best performance with water but can go below 0°C with glycol mix
- For use with all SEMICAPS platforms

An aplanatic solid immersion lens with a resolution better than 100 nm
The ARSIL is used for the laser scanning and probing of advanced semiconductor nodes, especially in design-debug and yield analysis.
- The ARSIL is used for the laser scanning and probing of advanced semiconductor nodes, especially in design-debug and yield analysis.
- SEMICAPS Aplanatic SIL – being used by a leading manufacturer for the 14 nm technology node
- Eliminate the need for wafer backside thinning
- Compatible for both inverted and upright systems
- Rapid Image Shift Mode (RISM)

Liquid Crystal
Cost effective method to locate hotspot
Many yield and field failures involved excessive current flow; ESD, resistive gate shorts, conductor-to-conductor shorts are examples. Devices with local hot spots are less reliable, leading to early failures.
Liquid crystal analysis provides an unsurpassed method to precisely identify points where heat is generated, down to 20mW. This non-destructive method enables an analyst to “see” hot spots through a probe station microscope with polarised light.